Nasya ulje 15 ml



Nasya ulje snažan je ajurvedski lijek osmišljen za pročišćavanje i zaštitu nosnih prolaza, promicanje optimalnog zdravlja dišnog sustava i mentalne jasnoće. Ukorijenjeno u drevnoj ayurvedskoj tradiciji, ovo terapeutsko ulje pomaže uravnotežiti tjelesne doshe, osobito Vata i Kapha, dok istovremeno poboljšava protok prane, vaše vitalne životne sile.

Redovita uporaba Nasya ulja ne samo da čisti nosne prolaze od nečistoća, već također podržava kognitivnu funkciju i emocionalnu ravnotežu, što ga čini bitnim dijelom vaše svakodnevne wellness rutine. Napravljeno od prirodnih sastojaka, ovo ulje umiruje, podmazuje i revitalizira, nudeći holistički pristup održavanju dišnog i mentalnog zdravlja.

Uključite Nasya ulje u svoju Dinacharyu ili dnevnu rutinu samonjege kako biste iskusili duboke dobrobiti ove tradicionalne ayurvedske prakse. Podignite dobrobit svakom kapi i dišite lakše, živite bolje.

Mrežni sadržaj

Estimated delivery between September 19 and September 19.


  • Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil, Aegle Marmelos Root

    Extract, Asparagus Racemosus Root Extract,

    Cedrus Deodara Heart Wood Extract, Cinnamomum

    Tamala Leaf Extract, Cinnamomum Verum Stem

    Bark Extract, Coleus Aromaticus Rhizome Extract,

    Cyperus Esculentus Root Extract, Cyperus Rotundus

    Rhizome Extract, Desmodium Gangeticum Root Extract,

    Elettaria Cardomomum Fruit Extract, Embelia Ribes Fruit Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Stem Extract, Hemidesmus Indicus Root Extract, Holostemma Ada-Kodien Rhizome Extract, Nelumbo Nucifera Rhizome Extract,

    Pseudarthria Viscida Root Extract, Solanum Anguivi

    Root Extract, Solanum Surattense Root Extract,

    Vetiveria Zizanioides Root Extract, Lac, Saccharum

    officinarum Root Extract, Nymphaea Stellata Flower

    Extract, Alpinia Galanga Rhizome Extract, Prunus

    Mahaleb Seed Extract


  • 15ML and 50ML


Discover the Health Benefits of Nasya Oil

Supports Respiratory Health: Clears nasal passages, reduces congestion, and helps prevent sinus issues, colds, and allergies.

Enhances Mental Clarity: Stimulates the brain, improving memory, concentration, and mental sharpness.

Balances Doshas: Pacifies Vata and Kapha doshas, promoting overall health and well-being.

Reduces Stress: Calms the nervous system, alleviating stress, anxiety, and tension.

Improves Skin and Hair: Nourishes facial tissues, enhancing skin radiance and hair luster.

How to use Nasya ulje 15 ml


Find a calm and comfortable environment where you can relax.

If possible, warm the Nasya oil slightly by placing the bottle in warm water. Ensure the oil is not too hot to avoid discomfort.


Lie down on your back with your head slightly tilted back. You can use a rolled-up towel or pillow to support your neck.


Place 2-3 drops of the warmed Nasya oil (Anu Thailam) into each nostril.

Gently massage the sides of your nose to help the oil penetrate deeper.


Inhale deeply to allow the oil to reach the deeper nasal passages.

Remain in the lying position for a few minutes, breathing gently through your nose.


After a few minutes, you can gently blow your nose to remove any excess oil and impurities.

It’s recommended to avoid exposure to dust, strong odors, and wind for a few hours after application.

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