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Dostava širom svijeta: 19,95 €. Besplatno na 250 €+ narudžbe

Vaša košarica

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Art of Vedas Ayurvedic Skin Care Rituals and wellness Products picture

Ayurvedski Kansa rituali

Istražite iscjeliteljsku moć Kanse u Art of Vedas

Ayurvedic Kansa Comb: Revitalize Your Hair with the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda

Kansa češalj


Jedinična cijena

Experience the rejuvenating touch of Ayurveda with Art of Vedas Kansa Wand, a traditional Ayurvedic tool that enhances facial circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, and revitalizes your complexion for a youthful and radiant glow.

Kansa Wand - Dvostrani

5.0 (1)


Jedinična cijena

Photograph of the Art of Vedas Kansa Vatki Wand resting on a natural stone surface, highlighting its sleek design and ergonomic handle. The Kansa metal head shines prominently, reflecting its quality and suitability for both foot and body massage.

Kansa štapić (tijelo)


Jedinična cijena

A close-up image of the Art of Vedas Body Massage Kansa Wand, showcasing its large, smoothly polished metal dome and elegantly carved wooden handle. The tool is positioned against a serene, neutral background to highlight its sleek design and therapeutic purpose.

Glava Wand - TIJELO


Jedinična cijena

Close-up view of the Art of Vedas Kansa Wand Mini, showcasing its sleek, handcrafted design with a polished wooden handle and rounded Kansa metal tip, positioned against a serene, neutral background to emphasize its Ayurvedic roots and use as a facial massage tool for rejuvenating skin therapy.

Kansa Wand (Mini)


Jedinična cijena

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Ayurveda with Art of Vedas Kansa Vatki, a traditional Ayurvedic massage tool crafted from a unique blend of copper, zinc, and tin.

Ayurveda Kansa Vatki


Jedinična cijena

Unleash the transformative power of Ayurveda with Art of Vedas Kansa Gua Sha, a traditional facial sculpting tool sculpted from a unique blend of copper, zinc, and tin.

Kansa Gua Sha


Jedinična cijena

Drevni ayurvedski rituali

Otkrijte tajnu poboljšanog blagostanja

Kansa metal se stoljećima koristi u ajurvedskoj praksi, cijenjen zbog svoje sposobnosti da uravnoteži pH razine, smanji stres i poboljša opće dobro zdravlje. Njegov nježan dodir poznat je po tome što stimulira vaše energetske točke i potiče prirodni proces ozdravljenja.