Mahamasha Thailam



Mahamasha Thailam je snažno, tradicionalno ajurvedsko ulje formulirano za liječenje bolova u zglobovima, povećanje snage mišića i promicanje zdravlja živaca. Napravljen od bogate mješavine prirodnih biljaka i ulja, posebno je učinkovit u upravljanju neravnotežama povezanim s Vata, uključujući ukočenost, upalu i opću slabost tijela.

Široko korišten u ayurvedskim terapijama, Mahamasha Thailam pruža duboku prehranu mišićima i zglobovima, što ga čini idealnim za terapeutske masaže. Njegovi ayurvedski sastojci pomažu ublažiti nelagodu, poboljšati pokretljivost i poduprijeti opću fizičku dobrobit. Ovo ulje je pouzdani lijek za pojedince koji pate od kronične boli ili one koji žele ojačati i vitalnost svog tijela.

Bilo da se koristi kao dio dnevne rutine samonjege ili u profesionalnim ayurvedskim tretmanima, Mahamasha Thailam nudi holističko rješenje za održavanje fizičkog zdravlja i vitalnosti.

Neto sadržaj: 200 ml

Estimated delivery between October 16 and October 16.

Mahamasha Thailam carries therapeutic and pain-relieving properties for muscle and joint conditions.

1. Mahamasha Thailam helps strengthen muscles, enhancing overall physical resilience.

2. It alleviates numbness, nerve irritation, and muscle weakness effectively.

3. It eases pain associated with multiple joint aches, particularly in the hands, head, and neck.

4. Mahamasha Thailam is effective in treating lumbar, cervical spondylosis, varicose veins, and osteoarthritis.

5. It assists in relieving pain from blunt injuries and is beneficial for conditions like rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

6. The oil supports the management of muscular dystrophy and other neurological conditions like paralysis and facial palsy.

7. When applied gently on the forehead and head, it helps manage hypertension.

8. It aids individuals with diabetic neuropathy by enhancing stability while walking and reducing dizziness.

For External Application: Warm the oil slightly for better absorption. Apply the oil to the affected areas, focusing on joints, muscles, or stiff regions. Massage gently using circular motions for 10-15 minutes until the oil is absorbed. Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes before washing off with warm water or as directed by your Ayurvedic practitioner. For chronic conditions or enhanced benefits, allow the oil to stay on longer or overnight before rinsing. For Ayurvedic Therapies: Mahamasha Thailam is traditionally used in Abhyanga (therapeutic massage) and other Ayurvedic treatments. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for customized guidance on incorporating it into your therapy routine.


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