Balaswagandhadhi Thailam



Balaswagandhadi Thailam je tradicionalno ayurvedsko ulje poznato po svojim svojstvima pomlađivanja i jačanja. Prožeto snažnim blagodatima Bala (Sida cordifolia) i Ashwagandhe (Withania somnifera), ovo hranjivo ulje podržava snagu mišića, povećava fizičku izdržljivost i potiče ukupnu vitalnost.

Široko se koristi u ayurvedskim masažnim terapijama, Balaswagandhadi Thailam pomaže u balansiranju Vata doša i vrlo je učinkovit u rješavanju problema povezanih s ukočenošću mišića, umorom i slabošću. Duboko hrani tkiva, poboljšava fleksibilnost i idealan je za one koji žele vratiti fizičku vitalnost i snagu.

Ovo je ulje osobito korisno za sportaše, pojedince koji se oporavljaju od bolesti ili one koji žele poboljšati svoje cjelokupno tjelesno blagostanje prirodnim, ayurvedskim praksama.

Neto sadržaj: 200 ml

Estimated delivery between October 16 and October 16.

Balaswagandhadi Thailam is known for its rejuvenating properties that promote strength and healing in the body.

1. Balaswagandhadi Thailam is effectively used in the treatment of various conditions, including headaches, fever, emaciation, and muscle wasting.

2. It is beneficial for managing all Vata-related diseases, such as arthritis, brachial plexus injuries, lumbar and cervical spondylitis pain, neuralgia, and paralysis.

3. This oil strengthens muscles and is particularly useful for alleviating post-viral fever symptoms, including body, muscle, and joint pains.

4. It helps relieve pain in the ribs and addresses post-injury aches, as well as discomfort caused by strain on muscles, ligaments, and nerves.

5. Balaswagandhadi Thailam soothes and strengthens the nerves, reduces inflammation, and improves blood circulation.

For External Application: Warm the oil slightly before use for optimal absorption. Apply Balaswagandhadi Thailam generously to the body or the affected areas. Gently massage the oil in circular motions for 10-15 minutes, focusing on muscles and joints. Leave the oil on for 30 minutes to 1 hour, allowing the herbs to deeply nourish the tissues. Wash off with lukewarm water or a mild cleanser. Use regularly for best results in muscle strength and rejuvenation. For Ayurvedic Therapies: This oil is traditionally used in Ayurvedic treatments like Abhyanga (therapeutic massage) to enhance physical vitality and balance Vata dosha. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized treatment advice.


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