Ayurvedski serum za kosu



Podignite režim njege kose pomoću našeg ayurvedskog seruma za kosu. Stručno formuliran za njegu i pomlađivanje vaših brava, ovaj serum je vaš ključ za zdraviju, sjajniju kosu. Oprostite se od tuposti i pozdravite revitalizirane, blistave vlasi. Otkrijte tajnu živahne kose danas.

Estimated delivery between March 15 and March 15.

This nourishing Ayurvedic Hair Serum provides deep hydration to the hair, replenishes moisture, stimulate hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth & prevents dryness. The combination of nut oils strengthens hair strands, reduces breakage and promotes healthier, more resilient hair.

Apply a few drops on your palms and rub them together. Then, massage the serum onto your scalp and distribute it evenly through your hair, focusing on the ends. Style as desired.


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