Ayurvedsko ulje za kosu



Obogaćen bezvremenskom mudrošću Bhringraja, poznatog i kao "Kesharaj" ili "Vladar kose". Ovaj drevni lijek njeguje se u Ayurvedi generacijama, rješavajući uobičajene probleme s kosom kao što su suhoća, frizza, pad kose i prerano sijedilo.

Naša jedinstvena formula je Vata-smirivanje, učinkovito se bori protiv pada kose i prekomjerne suhoće. Bhringrajovo imanje Keshya sprječava ćelavost i stanjivanje, dok njegov atribut Rasayana pomlađuje kosu. To je prirodan izbor za zdravlje vlasišta, zahvaljujući svojim antimikrobnim prednostima i svojstvima protiv peruti.

Estimated delivery between March 31 and March 31.

Helps to promote healthy hair growth, nourish the scalp, prevernts dandruff, helps to delay the onset of premature graying and improve the overall quality and texture of the hair.

For optimal results, apply the Ayurvedic Hair Oil onto the scalp using your fingertips, ensuring even distribution with a gentle massage. Rub a small amount of oil between your palms and apply it to the hair ends for nourishment. Rinse hair after 1-2 hours to complete the treatment.


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Five star hair oil

Top Ayurvedic product for hairs. 100% recommended. I notice less hairloss after applying this regularly.

Fully satisfied!!

High quality oil, super service!!